Family Intervention Program Toowoomba
Our Family Intervention Program supports families who are working with Child Safety Services to meet the goals of their Case Plan. The Family Intervention Program is open to all families engaged in ongoing Child Safety Services processes, whether their children are living in the family home or in an out-of-home care arrangement.
The program is available to families living within the catchment areas of Toowoomba North and Toowoomba South Child Safety Services Centres. Enquiries are welcome, however referrals to the program must be made by the Child Safety Officer working with the family.

Program activities
The program is built on the belief that children should be with their families wherever possible and that families are the ‘experts’ when it comes to understanding the difficulties that might be preventing this from happening. Intervention activities include:
- understanding the problems that have emerged in the family’s life
- planning solutions that build on the family’s options
- supporting the family to make consistent positive choices for their children and feel confident in doing this
- linking the families with supports that can help the family sustain the progress made through the program
- supporting the work of Child Safety Services and making recommendations to them aimed at achieving the best outcomes for children