Remarkable religious sister celebrates 105 years of inspiring faithful dedication

Sister Jeanne with CEO, Fritha Radyk. Sister Mary Jeanne Shoecraft, a beloved religious sister, has marked her 105th birthday surrounded by family, friends and the nursing and support staff at Mercy Community’s Bethesda Aged Care residence. Her milestone is testament to a life dedicated to serving others and a shining example of perseverance in the […]
A surgery “staycation” to remember for Mr Lu

Pre- and post-operative care with a detour to see the sights of Brisbane might seem unusual, but that’s exactly what occurred when Mercy Community stepped in to help an elderly Rockhampton man in need. Mercy Community is currently supporting Mr Lu, 81, to live independently in his own home with a home care package tailored […]
A legacy of love and service: Rockhampton’s Lesley Schneider retires after nearly three decades in aged care

Lesley (second from the left) at her Farewell Celebration with her children Liam, Erin and Emma, and her colleague Denise. With a heart full of fond memories and bittersweet emotions, Lesley Schneider, Mercy Community’s Rockhampton Director Aged Care Strategic Projects, has bid farewell to her lifelong calling. For Lesley, nursing has been more than just […]
“Mercy Haven” to pave the way for enhanced elderly care in Rockhampton

A groundbreaking ceremony for Mercy Haven, a brand-new multimillion dollar aged care home in Rockhampton, took place on Wednesday 12 July 2023. The Most Reverend Michael McCarthy, Bishop of Rockhampton, blessed the start of construction on the $42 million facility which is designed to replace the existing Bethany Nursing Home in Rockhampton’s medical precinct of […]
Home Care Vs Residential Aged Care: Which one should I choose?

If you’re considering care for an aging parent, relative or close one, figuring out whether home care or residential care is the best option can be difficult. Let’s take an in-depth look at both types of aged care including what they are, their benefits and who can access each so that you can make the […]
Mercy Community’s quality aged care and continual improvement program praised

Picture from left: Member for Mundingburra Leslie Walker, Terese Poli (AIN – 10 years’ service), Loreto Director of Nursing Michelle Yanner, Suzanne Christiansen (AIN – 14 years’ service), Minister Anika Wells, Mercy Community General Manager – Aged Care Janet Rhodes. The dedication and quality care provided by a Townsville Mercy Community aged care team has […]
Celebrating Doris’ 107th birthday

Doris Twomey, aged care resident at Mercy Community’s Loreto Nursing Home in Townsville, is proof that age is just a number. Our story about Doris’ recent celebration for her 107th birthday appeared in newspapers all around the country this week including The Courier-Mail, Townsville Bulletin and Cairns Post. Doris celebrated her birthday at Loreto surrounded by her ever-growing […]
Young people in out-of-home care benefit from our intergenerational program

It was during the lock down periods of the COVID-19 pandemic that leaders of our Aged Care Services and Families and Young People Services saw an opportunity to develop connections between children and young people in out-of-home care and aged care residents. “In December 2021 it began with young people in out-of-home care making gifts […]
Our Nudgee Residential Aged Care Services awarded top 5-star rating for food services

Pictured above, left to right: Jon Usi, Mark Day, Irun Shrestha, Rahul Chawla. Walk into our Aged Care Residence at Nudgee and you may catch sight of our Eat Safe Rating of 5 Stars which we are now able to display on site and also on the Eat Safe Brisbane website. This comes after the Brisbane […]
Mercy Community is granted approval for new 90-bed residential aged care building in Rockhampton

The Rockhampton Regional Council has approved the plans for the construction of a new 90-bed residential care building to replace the aging Bethany building in Rockhampton. The Bethany Aged Care Facility is planned to be decommissioned and a new facility built by 2024. The project is made possible with a $9 million capital grant awarded […]