The Rockhampton Regional Council has approved the plans for the construction of a new 90-bed residential care building to replace the aging Bethany building in Rockhampton. The Bethany Aged Care Facility is planned to be decommissioned and a new facility built by 2024.
The project is made possible with a $9 million capital grant awarded to Mercy Health and Aged Care Central Queensland, part of a total of $150 million in capital grants allocated following the conclusion of the 2020 Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR). Mercy Health and Aged Care Central Queensland has since become part of the Queensland wide Mercy Community organisation under the leadership of CEO Fritha Radyk.
Fritha Radyk said the development is much needed by the current and future residents alike. “While our team provide high quality and caring services to our residents, the current facility, built on a medical model more than 45 years ago, is one of the oldest un-renovated residential aged care facilities remaining in Rockhampton,” she said.
This new development will be a breath of fresh air for our aged community in Rockhampton. The privacy, space and dignity offered in the proposed designs will invigorate the lives of our current and future residents living here.
‘We are committed to ensuring regional areas have the beds they need for people to remain in their communities as they age. This has always been part of the mission of the Sisters of Mercy,” said Fritha.
General media enquiries should be directed to media@mercycommunity.org.au.