David* resides in one of our Residential Care and Transition Services (RCaTS) houses and was recently elected School Captain for 2022. Cameron McIntosh, Clinician for the program, works closely with David and tells us more…
“David has made significant progress in his ability to display positive behaviour and engagement at school over the past 18 months,” said Cameron. “David’s great sportsmanship was recognised earlier this year, and he was awarded a Sports House Captain role for his team. This was a great achievement for him, as he took this honour and contributed greatly to his team, which opened the pathway to being elected as School Captain for 2022.”
David’s school has wholeheartedly supported him, in collaboration with his amazing residential care team. The team has worked tirelessly to assist him to be able to manage his emotions, behaviours and disability-specific needs and build new capacities that couldn’t have even been imagined two years ago.
“We now have a young man who loves to give to his community: he volunteers in ocean rescue alongside his younger siblings, in addition to making treats for the local animal shelter. He has made an incredible impact on his local community through volunteering—so much so, that one of his local volunteering groups has asked to purchase Christmas gifts for the children in our program, for their efforts,” said Cameron.
*Name has been changed to protect the young person’s privacy