Increasing energy prices, climate change disasters, and environmental degradation are all signs to alter our consumption for the good of humanity.
Today (February 28) marks the start of a series of high-level meetings at the annual World Sustainable Energy Days conference in Austria where delegates from 60 countries will discuss ways to achieve a clean energy future.
While the experts discuss international technological advances, here at Mercy Community, we are thinking globally but acting locally to care for our planet.
Through our People & Planet Project, we are looking at ways to become ecological champions.
Inspired by Pope Francis’ letter to the world, Laudato Si (Care for our Common Home), our People & Planet Project forms the foundation of how we, as an organisation, can act to reduce our carbon footprint and operate more sustainably.
Every person has a role to play in embedding the longstanding commitment of the Catholic Church, the Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Community to serving the poor and vulnerable, while looking to new evidence-based approaches for climate change mitigation and climate resilience.
So, on these World Sustainable Energy Days (February 28-March 3), we urge you to act now by recycling, reusing, and reducing your carbon footprint.
What environmental and sustainable acts are you going to start implementing during World Sustainable Energy Day?

Infographic sources:
- How you can help (Department of Transport and Main Roads) (tmr.qld.gov.au)
- The optimum office temperature is higher than you think – ABC News
- Australians buy almost 15kg of clothes every year and most of it ends up in landfill, report finds | Australia news | The Guardian
- Why Buy Local? | Sustainable Connections
- The Detrimental Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Animals | Earth.Org
- Australia’s Plastic Problem: What, why & how? (greenpeace.org.au)