CASE STUDY: There’s been a positive outcome for a young person living out of home and in the care of Mercy Community’s Families and Young People team. Read further about Kyle* who has successfully transitioned to independence while finishing an apprenticeship. Our Mercy Community team has backed him every step of the way. Kyle now has a construction qualification and his future employment prospects look bright.
The background
Kyle entered general residential care with Mercy Community in South East Queensland in the first half of 2020. Initially, he presented with several worrying trauma driven behaviours.
How did Mercy Community help/support?
Our team saw Kyle grow to a confident young man during his three years residing with Mercy Community. Kyle has not always had a smooth journey, but his growth towards stability, connection and a positive future, have inspired other young people to follow his example.
The Mercy Community team encouraged Kyle to complete a Certificate I in Construction.
While there was a hiccup – an injury which delayed his progress – Kyle and his trainers were very accommodating by supporting him to extend his time. The team’s dedication to seeing Kyle succeed saw team members make many early morning starts to ensure Kyle was ready for ‘work’ with a packed lunch and plenty to drink. Because of this, Kyle barely missed any days of work and only when he was genuinely sick.
Upon transitioning out of the care of Mercy Community, Kyle was working hard and applying for jobs. The Mercy Community team was instrumental in helping Kyle to recover after setbacks and the disappointment of being unsuccessful in early job applications. Towards the end of the course, Kyle was quite close to obtaining offers of employment.
The outcome
Despite Kyle’s initial worrying trauma-driven behaviours, the early and persistent support of the dedicated Mercy Community team assisted Kyle to develop a positive mindset around his increasing self-esteem, agency, and desire for a future. Towards the end of his time in the care of Mercy Community, Kyle was self-driven and motivated to obtain paid employment.
His manager reported: “Kyle’s exit survey stated that he felt supported during his time with Mercy Community and that he felt that he had developed the skills useful for his personal growth and future.”
“Kyle was well-liked and is greatly missed by the team. Our farewell dinner looked fantastic as around ten current and former team members attending to say their goodbyes.”
Residential Care Programs
Our Residential Care Programs provide safe, fully supported placements for children and young people up to 17 years. The residential houses are staffed 24-7 by dedicated care workers, who are there to provide structured and therapeutic care for the children and young people.
Our skilled team is trained in structure, nurture, play, trauma, and attachment-informed interventions, to support children and young people to recover from experiences of abuse and neglect. Residential Care Programs are offered through our Families and Young People service stream in Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Kingaroy, Logan, Ipswich and Toowoomba.
* All names in this case study have been changed to protect the privacy of the people we serve.