We are lucky to have some of the most talented and caring team members in the aged care industry at Mercy Community. Our nurses always have so much time for our residents, but how do they find time for their own family and maybe even a few moments to themselves? We sat down with enrolled nurse, Charanjiv Nagpal, to discover why she was drawn to nursing and how she adjusted to life in Australia.
Eight years ago, Charanjiv Nagpal (Char) was enjoying a fortunate and somewhat traditional life at home in Delhi – a mother, a wife, a daughter. Today, Char’s life looks very different. In less than a decade she’s experienced the sudden passing of a parent, a permanent move 10,000 kms away to Australia with her family – and everything that comes with such an upheaval – including adapting to a new culture and language. Char also took on the responsibility as a temporary carer for her husband during his period of illness. Later, she would transition from the unpaid to the paid workforce, where she now enjoys a fulfilling career as an enrolled nurse within our residential aged care facility at Nudgee.
Life really is a journey.
Char is one of 330 nurses dedicated to supporting residents at Mercy Community aged care facilities throughout Queensland. Having joined Mercy Community more than 5 years ago as an assistant in nursing, Char has worked as an enrolled nurse for over 12 months and is currently contemplating further studies to become a registered nurse.

Since joining Mercy Community, Char has seen her career and confidence flourish, something she strongly attributes to the amazing support she receives from the Mercy Community team.
“Everyone here is just so helpful. I have always felt welcome. There is such strong support from management and colleagues – doors are always open, and problems always solved.”
“I cannot say enough about Emma [Emma Babao, Facility Manager, Nudgee]. She has supported me every step of the way and encouraged me to push myself, by taking on and completing my studies.”
Char is also highly appreciative of the flexibility available to her as a nurse and Mercy Community employee.
“I am lucky to have such a good work-life balance. My hours are flexible which means I have been, and can be, there for my children before and after school. We get quality, family time. I also make sure I have time for my faith, as well as walks and of course, TV.”
When we spoke to Char, she couldn’t disguise the genuine love she has for Mercy Community. Nor could Char hide the love and compassion she has for residents and the families of the people she supports day in, day out, who also make her feel valued.
“I actually do wake up each morning and smile knowing I get to work at Mercy Community where I can make a difference in someone’s life,” Char said.
“I just love my job. Taking the time to care (which also includes emotional support and advocacy) for a person who has contributed a lifetime to society is so rewarding.”
“And the families of the people I care for have become like family to me – they even celebrate my birthday.”
We love having Char as part of the Mercy Community family and we appreciate her sharing her story with us. If you would like to join our team and pursue a rewarding career caring for others, we have several vacancies available on our website.
If you would like to start your rewarding career in aged care, or you’re looking for a change of scenery, we have several rewarding nursing roles available right now in Rockhampton.
Check out our careers page and we can help you to relocate and start a new chapter in your story: